Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: Arne Olav ‘ao’ Hallingstad
August 28, 2008
Slowest to skitter away from our Fiery Eye of Notoriety/duck beneath the Swishing Sword of Publicitisement this week was Splash Damage’s code warrior Arne ‘ao’ Hallingstad. Arne cuts a dashing figure here in SD Towers, resplendent as he is in his floor-length satin robe embroidered with the Norwegian coastline, but he is most noted and famed for his jawdropping code-bullying skills. In fact the movie “Babe” is almost entirely about him, as long as you replace the pig with Arne, and the sheep with code, and wherever the movie is set with where we are. Seriously, he should sue the studio or something.
To find out more about where Arne’s from, at and about, behold the entire and colossal interview which lurks within his new-fangled unmanned and horseless staff profile.