Chris Sweetman at Sensoria Festival This Week
April 29, 2009
Splash Damage’s Audio Director Chris ‘peaceful warrior’ Sweetman will be at the Sensoria Festival of Film and Music in Sheffield later this week. Chris will be participating in a panel titled Virtual Soundscapes along with Spore composer Peter Chilvers, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Music Supervisor Martin Hewett, LucasArts composer Chris Mann, and independent Audio Director John Broomhall. Set to kick off Thursday morning, the panel will explore the use of music and audio in computer games and how to build soundscapes that take advantage of the interactive nature of games. Chris will also be roaming the Sensoria grounds most of the day, so don’t hesitate to say hi if you see him around!
Sensoria is taking place from April 24 – 30 in Sheffield and offers a host of activities for film and music enthusiasts. You can take a peek at the full events calendar here.