Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: Jeremy ‘pinflux’ Hay
February 18, 2011
Do not adjust your monitors – you are actually looking at an all-new, oven-fresh installment of our elusive series of staff interviews. Media Artist and full-time New Zealander Jeremy ‘pinflux’ Hay is front and center in this one, spilling his guts about his job at Splash Damage and how he got here. Among a myriad of other things, Jeremy’s been responsible for a lot of the Brink media you’ve been seeing and works tirelessly to help us spread the Splash Damage myth to previously undiscovered corners of the internet.
To find out more about Jeremy, his doings around the office, his journey from classical animation to Brink, and his shady Kiwi past, check out the full interview in his profile. It’s very nearly free of references to Lord of the Rings. We promise.