Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Map Source Files Released
We are happy to announce that we have received approval from Kevin Cloud over at id...
June 27, 2008
We Sign Up for Games 5s, Kick off with ‘Name our Squad’ Competition
In a vain attempt to quench our merciless thirst for multiplayer competition, we’ve...
June 25, 2008
Splash Damage lurking within Jim Rossignol’s This Gaming Life
We don't often hoot and holler about books about games, mainly because they don't crop up...
June 23, 2008
Splash Damage Looking for AI Programmer
We are currently seeking a talented AI Programmer for our unannounced title with Bethesda...
June 23, 2008
ETQW Official Competition Mod Released
The Official Competition Mod for Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars is here! The mod allows...
June 20, 2008