Splash Damage and Bromley FC
January 4, 2023

by Max
We’re proud to announce that we’re partnering with Bromley Football Club.
We’ve been a part of the Bromley community for over 20 years, and it seemed only right that we support our local club. The Bromley Community Trust does amazing work in our borough; from providing free meals to school children, running collections for our local food banks, providing a platform for older generations to meet and support one another, running recreational football for women, and so much more.

Head of Community Matt Hall added; “Upon meeting with Splash Damage, it was abundantly clear that they share so much passion for Bromley FC. Their story is quite an incredible one, and it’s an honour to have an organisation of this calibre alongside us. They have shown a real interest in community involvement and engagement too, and it’s refreshing to see this. A number of the team at Splash Damage are Bromley supporters, and what their Club does in the local community really means something to them.
I’ve no doubt Splash Damage will open doors for us, and likewise, we will do so for them! We’ve already looked into what 2023 could hold for us and are excited to grow this relationship even further.”
This is just the first stage of our partnership, and we can’t wait to do more work with Bromley FC (and cross our fingers for a run in the playoffs) this coming year.